Form 8949 Components

There are two parts to Form 8949. Part 1 and 2 are structured the same, the difference being short versus long term.

Part 1 is used for short term gains and losses, sales of capital assets held 1 year or less. Part 2 is used for long term gains and losses, sales of capital assets held more than 1 year.

Form 8949 also has three reporting types, depending on whether cost basis was reported to the IRS.

The details of Form 8949 are very similar to the old Schedule D, with columns as follows:

Column Description Example
a capital asset 100 Exxon (XOM)
b date acquired 08-24-2013
c date sold 10-18-2013
d sales proceeds $10,298
e cost basis $9,840
f adjustment codes (empty)
g adjustment amount (empty)
h gain or loss $458